All prospective residents of Tohjin Dormitory residences are expected to comply with the following articles:
1DI, the prospective resident, with the consent of my legal guardian, have read and will comply with the regulations as laid out in the Tohjin Dormitory Room Guide, the Dormitory Room Lease contract, and the Dormitory Rules.

I, the prospective resident, will contact the dormitory with all speed possible if I am forced to cancel my application for residence. If I cancel my application for residence after the payment of initial fees, I will submit all necessary documents required by the dormitory, and follow all regulations laid out in the Dormitory Room Lease contract.

3DI, the prospective resident, consent to the change of dormitory or room type to my second choice as laid out in my room lease application form in the event that my first choice of dormitory or room type cannot be fulfilled. I entrust the allocation of room and floor location to Tohjin Dormitory.

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