‚PDCurfew 1.In consideration of the safety of our residents, we implement a curfew system at our dormitories. Curfew times are, in principle, 11pm for male-only dorms and 10pm for female-only dorms. 2.Residents are requested to return home before their curfew time. If known in advance that they will be late, or will not return home that night, please submit the relevant form to your dorm office. In the event of unavoidable delays on the day in question, please telephone the dorm and inform them that you will be late. 3.The dorm cannot take responsibility for entry and exit problems after the curfew time. |
‚QDDormitory Life 1.Leaving your room When you leave your room, please be sure to close the windows and lock your door. 2.Staying out overnight If you plan to stay out overnight, please submit the relevant form to the office beforehand, including the following information: reason for staying out, where you will be staying, how long you will be staying there, contact information. 3.Visiting guests are only permitted as far as the entrance hall area. Family members of the same sex may enter residentsf rooms as long as they have permission from the office, in which case they may stay until curfew time of that day. 4.Letters will be delivered to the dorm mailbox. Parcels and packets will be accepted at the office and placed in the designated area, where they can be picked up under the supervision of dorm staff. The dorm cannot take responsibility for the loss of mail items outside of this system (please be aware that there are busy periods when many parcels/packets arrive at the same time, resulting in a greater chance of residents taking the wrong items by mistake). 5.Residents are requested to handle the delivery of valuable items directly with the company involved. 6.For deliveries that can have days and times specified, please be aware that on Sundays and national holidays no staff are present, and mail cannot be accepted at these times. Specified delivery times on other days should not be later than 4pm (after which time staff will be busy preparing meals). The office has no refrigeration facilities to store food goods that need to be chilled or kept frozen. 7.Residents are requested to clean their own rooms, and maintain them in a tidy state at all times. 8.Kitchen waste, non-burnable trash, burnable trash, bottles and cans should be kept separate according to trash rules, and disposed of only on designated days in designated places. The disposal of oversized trash and other trash that incur charges is the responsibility of residents themselves and must be paid for by the residents. 9.A kitchen corner for the preparation of simple food is available. Please take care to avoid fire danger when cooking, and deal with kitchen waste responsibly. |
‚RDRooms 1.Please do not change or add accessories to the room furnishings, and do not add extra hooks or nails for hanging pictures except for in designated areas. Residents who disobey this rule will be charged extra when they leave the dorm. 2.Please take care not to disturb your neighbors with noise, such as watching the TV turned up too loud. In the event of noise trouble occurring, the offending equipment may be confiscated until you leave the dorm. 3.Please be aware that staff may enter residentsf rooms to ensure dorm safety regulations are being complied with. Apart from emergency situations, residents will be informed of this beforehand. |
‚SDCommunal Facilities & Equipment 1.Please take care to use communal facilities and equipment in accordance with the instructions and notices that go with them. 2.Please inform the office of any damage or problems with communal equipment. If such damage or problems are a result of a residentfs misuse, that resident will be charged for repairs or replacement. 3.The building and its facilities may not be used for any other purpose than residential accommodation. You may not sub-let or allow a third party to use either your room or any other part of the dorm. Do not move equipment from its designated place, or remove it from the dorm. |
‚TDHealth Issues 1.If you feel unwell, or are absent from school due to illness, be sure to contact your school and see a doctor as soon as possible. In the event of emergencies and serious illness, please contact the office. 2.Doctors are not available for consultation on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and national holidays. In the event of even mild illness, we recommend residents to consult a doctor by Saturday mornings to get a diagnosis (make sure to have your health insurance certificate with you at all times). |
‚UDFire & Crime Prevention 1.Please do not bring dangerous items into the dorm. 2.In case of emergency, alert the office immediately and call out to neighboring rooms in a loud voice. 3.Please do not touch or interfere with the fire alarms on the ceiling, as it may cause them to go off. 4.Residents are required to participate in fire drills. Also, make sure to learn the locations and use of emergency staircases and exits, fire extinguishers, alarms and other emergency equipment. 5.Always be careful to prevent the outbreak of fires and the possibility of burglary. The dorm cannot take responsibility for the loss or damage of residentsf possessions, so always take good care to look after your valuables and other items. |
‚VDHolidays In order to provide time off for our staff, the following times are designated holidays: Sundays, national holidays, the first 5 days of the tax year (from April 1st), 5 days in summer (from August 11th not including Sundays & national holidays), 5 days at New Year (from December 29th not including Sundays & national holidays), the last 7 days of the tax year, and 2 other days used for staff training. During these holidays general checks and repairs of the dorms will be carried out. |
‚WDProhibited Items & Activities 1.No motor vehicles (including cars and motorbikes 2.No political, religious or other ideological gatherings, or any other similar activities 3.No kerosene heaters or other items that use fire in the rooms 4.No posters or notices in the rooms and communal areas 5.No pets or livestock 6.No private goods left in the corridors or other communal areas 7.No smoking or drinking on the premises 8.Any other acts or activities that run counter to the smooth running of communal life in the dorm, or cause trouble for other people are also prohibited. |
‚XDAdditional Rules In the event of any other problems or issues that run counter to the smooth running of communal life in the dorm that have not been specified above, residents will be notified of rules regarding these through the dorm notice board. Residents are expected to follow these rules in the same way as those above. |
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