In order to provide you with the best service that we can, we are obliged to collect a certain amount of personal information from you.
Before you apply to lease a room, we will ask you for personal details such as your name, your e-mail address, and your telephone number.
All information collected from you will be responsibly managed by Tohjin Dormitory. We have a strict security policy, and guarantee to take all precautions to store information securely, and to ensure that data is used in accordance with our customers wishes, and not deleted, misused, used without permission, made public, altered or destroyed. In the event of a customer's request to delete personal information, this will be done summarily, excepting legal requirements to retain data for a specified period of time. |
We use your personal information only to the extent of enabling us to maintain our own business.
Your personal information, including ethnicity, religion, family, legal domicile, medical & criminal records, and any other private details, will not be used for any other purpose, and will not be passed on to any third parties. |
(1)Introduction and provision of accommodation
(2)Provision of meals for residents |
(1) To inform customers about accommodation and its terms of contract, goods for sale, and services
(2) To inform customers about goods and services provided by us and affiliated companies
(3) To ascertain the suitability of provision of goods and services
(4) To verify the identity of customers, and, where necessary, their guardians
(5) To provide financial and billing information to our customers
(6) To enable the internal accounting and management of our customers' needs
(7) To enable our customers' payments
(8) To provide additional services
(9) To fulfill our obligations regarding our customers' rights as laid out in their contracts and the law
(10)To enable us to suitably & satisfactorily deal with any other enquiries, requests or transactions from our customers |
Your personal information may be passed on for secondary use to other companies if you have given your permission to do so. However, this does not change your guarantee of privacy from us, and in no way will your personal information be revealed to third parties without your permission, excepting orders from legal courts or government organizations (such as the Inland Revenue or Finance Ministry).
We may judge it necessary to outsource certain administrative functions, such as the mailing of information, to other reliable enterprises. In such cases, we take the utmost care to engage in confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements with each individual enterprise involved.
In order to provide the best service possible, we may add links to other sites on our webpage. If you visit another site from our webpage, we strongly recommend you to check the privacy policy of that site.
Please contact our customer support center if you have any enquiries or complaints regarding our use of personal information. |
■Tohjin Dormitory Customer Support Center
E-mail: info@tohjin.co.jp
TEL:042-463-3921 (General Affairs Dept)
(Weekdays 9:00-17:00, no service at weekends or on national holidays) |